Sex as a sport is actually quite difficult according to many, especially getting started with training and competition. All sports are difficult to practice regardless, of course all competitors must know the basic rules of competition in sex sports.
Here you can read more about sex-sport rules.
For each competition, SSF will set them the most important criteria with points for each discipline.
Each association that organizes a competition chooses which branches the contestants will compete in?
Participants will meet requirements to receive points.
– In each branch participants will meet requirements to get points.
– SSF as an organizer puts competitors in front of different sports and among them are:
1. Seduction of a competitor/athlete: How quickly a competitor/athlete can make another competitor/athlete become attracted to him/her. Competitors are willing to continue on to the next competition branch, and with awarded points choose to proceed to nose competition against opponents in the next branch?
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
2. Massage different parts of the body: feet, legs, buttocks, back, stomach, neck, back of the head, forehead, face is a part of massage that is not connected to erotic zones. Massage lasts for the specified time. Competitors are willing to continue on to the next branch of the competition, and with this result choose to proceed to nose competition against opponents in the next branch?
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
3. Massage of erotic zones on the contestant’s body. Massage lasts for the specified time. After the specified time, the competitor is willing to continue on to the next competition branch, and with this result choose to proceed to the nose competition against opponents in the next branch?
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
4. Foreplay: How quickly and effectively can a competitor/athlete get another competitor/athlete to be satisfied with foreplay, to want to continue competing in another discipline at a higher
level? Competitors are willing to continue on to the next branch of the competition, and with this result choose to proceed to nose competition against opponents in the next branch?
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
5. Oral sex: How quickly can a competitor/athlete make another competitor/athlete satisfied and want to continue in another competition at a higher level?
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
6. Penetration: How quickly can a competitor/athlete get another competitor/athlete to be satisfied with penetration which is a reason to want to continue in another competitive branch at a higher level?
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
7. Trigger: How long a competitor/athlete can show his endurance against another competitor/athlete and make opponents satisfied with their competition’s effort to want
continue in another competition at a higher level?
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
8. Appearance and Pole Organs: A competitor/athlete shall be judged and scored for their appearance and the appearance of their pole organs.
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
9. Artistic execution of pose/stance: This is one of the sports disciplines in which each competitor/athlete is judged individually although they compete together with the goal of achieving a work height that can take them to the next discipline.
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
10. Creativity in changing pose/stance: This is also one of the sports disciplines in which each competitor/athlete is judged individually although they compete together with the goal of achieving a work height that can take them to the next discipline.
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
11. Endurance and number of orgasms over specified time. Competitors in sex must show endurance
while their activity in this sport can be one of the most important factors to
opponents must be able to have one or more orgasms, which in that part of the competition show the way
to the next sport.
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards
points to contestants.
12. Artistic execution of different competing pairs and alternation of pose/stance. Competitors in this category have the task of together showing their knowledge/willingness to cooperate and together achieve a performance level which, in the assessment, will award the desired points that are necessary to qualify for the next sport.
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
13. Raising blood pressure and heart rate through the actions of a partner in a competition . In this sport the measurement is very important, at the same time a parameter which helps judges in the assessment of the contestants’ efforts in the sex competition.
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
14. The most beautiful and complicated Kama Sutra – postures/variations. Competitors use fantasy which, together with their experience, training and knowledge, is the most important sex tool, and is basically taken from the Kama Sutra.
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
15. The most artistic intercourse according to jury and audience. This is an overall assessment of artistically performed sexual intercourse by contestants who have passed all 14 competition branches.
In this branch competitors can get from 5 to 10 points. The judge in charge of the competition awards points to the contestants.
16. The couple who have been overall most engaged during the competition, as well as most artistic according to the Kama Sutra and most popular with the jury and audience.
In this last branch competitors can get from 10 to 20 points and in some cases double or triple points if the audience votes the competitor as an extremely good competitor/athlete.
The most important part of the competition.
Sex is the satisfaction of psychological and physical needs.
Through sex, people achieve mental and physical well-being both in the soul and in the body.
In the end, it is mental and physical activity that is based on human thinking about another sexual partner, which most often causes satisfaction of brain cells.
Sex cannot be extraordinary if it does not meet the mental concentration of those who participate and receive follow-up physical activity.
In order for people to achieve the most desired result, they must train both their mental and physical abilities.
SSF organizes training at amateur and elite level, as well as preparation for various competitions.
SSF organizes various competitions at various levels at national and international level.
To become a member of SSF and be able to train with the association, all members must present a valid ID card as proof that they are of legal age.
SSF does not set an age limit except that they must be 18 years old. Everyone is welcome.
Spectators have a great influence on the awarding of points in each discipline.
In order for a member to enter a competition and advance to the next branch, the member must pass the first step and earn enough points to qualify for the next branch.
It is important that members who compete start from the first and finish the competition with the last branch, through different competition stages.
Competition is important as a direct response to the quality of the training that the member previously completed. Each member decides: when, where and how much they want to train?
Each member decides for himself whether he just wants to train or move on to different competitions.